Rehab Analysis Spreadsheet

May 5, 2009 · 7 comments

After putting my Business Plans up-for-sale yesterday, I decided to get back to my general ideal of giving away information on this site as opposed to selling it (though don’t get me wrong, the business plans are still for sale, are tremendously inexpensive and are tremendously useful :-)…

Today, I want to give something away…here is a copy of one of the spreadsheets I use to analyze the profitability of a rehab/flip project (modified to remove a lot of the crap that’s specific to my projects).

It’s a pretty straight-forward spreadsheet, and anyone who has completed a couple flips probably has their own; but I remember when I was first starting out in this business, and I had no idea where to start. Just being able to see in one place all the costs, expenses, commissions, and fees associated with a typical rehab makes the whole analysis a lot less daunting. Not to mention, the rundown of typical labor and materials costs on the worksheet should help new investors get a handle on the list of rehab costs associated with a rehab project.

The spreadsheet is currently populated with an estimate from a recent flip, just to give an idea of how it’s used. Hopefully, you’ll find this useful…and if you do, please feel free to leave me a comment with your feedback…

7 responses to “Rehab Analysis Spreadsheet”

  1. hakrjak says:

    Very cool — After reading your biz plan, I was just about to ask if you’d share the xls you used in it for rehab analysis. Gotta love it!


    – Hakrjak

  2. Bryan R says:

    Awesome thx. This is cool.

  3. Bilgefisher says:

    I look forward to when I get off work and can download this and purchase the BP. I want to compare notes. Thanks for sharing.

  4. mynameisMo says:

    alrighty then. i use your spreadsheet next time, side by side with mine. should be interesting to see which one is best going forward. thanks.

  5. Ivory Brock says:

    Fantastic!!! I can compare and refine my spreadsheet. Thanks

  6. Ingrid says:

    This is awesome. Love the business plan, too. Thanks!

  7. jen says:

    I love this site!! THanks for taking the time… I can’t wait to read though it… just got the biz plan and TOTALLY believe in you get what you give… thanks for the info… I am going crazy with this market!! Jen

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