House #10: Under Contract

June 12, 2009 · 2 comments

It only took 24 hours, but The Deja Duplex is under contract to sell…and true to its name, it’s getting sold to the same buyer as The Roach Duplex.

It pretty sad to think that we hadn’t considered calling this guy to ask if he wanted this one also, until we were on our way to the closing. Had we called him a week or two ago, we likely could have done a double-closing, and saved ourselves a couple days (and the $75 we spent to mow the lawn and trim the bushes).

While I think we could have gotten more for this place, the fact that we were able to sell it quickly and to someone we know can close quickly and reliably makes it worth giving up a couple thousand dollars. In the end, we should net about the same profit as we did on The Roach Duplex, which isn’t bad for a couple hours work…

Hopefully, we’ll be able to get all the paperwork done and the closing scheduled for next week…our buyer is ready to close “as quickly as possible.”

2 responses to “House #10: Under Contract”

  1. Steph says:

    Congrats, bud!

    Gotta love those repeat buyers….I’d much rather go with someone who I know is going to close, even if it means making a little less.

  2. Bilgefisher says:

    For the buyer, what a very smart move. Having two duplexes next to each other makes it much much easier to manage. He might even be able to get a yard maintenance crew to do both for a a pretty good rate.

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