House #14: Inspection

September 20, 2010 · 2 comments

The buyer for The Pine House had her inspection late last week, and the inspector was one of the most thorough I have ever seen. He spent about 3.5 hours at the property, knew the building codes forwards and backwards and really worked hard to make sure the buyer knew every potential issue…

The good news is that he still didn’t find much to put in his inspection report (nice to see my guys doing a good job!). Ultimately, he found 13 issues, and most of them were minor and not at all safety issues. Nonetheless, the buyer requested that we fix all the issues, and we plan to do so.

The only non-minor issues are missing hand-rails on two of the stair-cases (how did we miss that!?!?), GFCI protection in the bathrooms (again, we should have caught that) and an electrical short between the circuit box and the electric hot water heater, which could be the result of our contractors connecting the water heater before filling it, and frying the heating element. The rest of the stuff are things like adjusting the flush mechanisms on the toilets, securing the external hose-bibs to the siding, securing the electric meter to the house, and filling in some missing mortar around the stone facade.

The next big hurdle is the appraisal and we’re hoping that gets done this week…

2 responses to “House #14: Inspection”

  1. Dave Gibson says:

    JScott, you are “The Man” and your wife is “The Woman” – big thanks to the two of you… guys are an awesome duo. Followed your blog for some time now (maybe a year or more) and you are a number cruncher and are into details much like myself. Wish you were here in Alabama….I would certainly enjoy working with you. Keep up the good work….

    P.S. Hope the appraisal turns out good for you…..

  2. J Scott says:

    Thanks Dave…that’s very kind…though my wife deserves most of the credit… 🙂

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